Meeting of the Minds

Oh my gosh, you won’t believe what I just found out! The first verse of this song is all about the “First Council of Nicaea”! It was this super important council of Christian bishops that happened way back in 325 AD. Can you believe it? They were trying to get everyone in the church to agree on stuff, like a big assembly for all of Christendom. And then, get this, the second verse is about “The Scopes Trial”! It happened in old Tennessee in the last century, in 1925 to be exact. This high school biology teacher named John Scopes got accused of breaking the law by teaching evolution. Can you imagine? So crazy!

This content was originally written by the badass contributors of, the best superfan resource and website that exists for any band, let alone the best band in the whole entire world. I’ve been lurking on that site for over 20 years and if you’re into Bad Religion as much as I am, I’m sure you’re familiar. If you are not, go there right now and never come back to this site again. You should, and I totally understand.

thebrpage source that my ai brobot rewrote came from here

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