According to Brett, the song could totally be seen as an anti-drug anthem! He says it’s all about questioning how much is enough to harm yourself. And guess what? Greg thinks it goes even deeper than that. He believes it speaks to both humanity as a whole and to each individual. Brett explains that “How Much Is Enough” is super straightforward. It’s all about our never-ending desire for more and the urgent need for self-control. If we keep mindlessly consuming, it could be our downfall on a grand scale, personally, culturally, and even nationally. Woah, intense stuff! (Source: Flipside #59, Spring 1989; Roger Vulture interview with Brett, 1996)
This content was originally written by the badass contributors of, the best superfan resource and website that exists for any band, let alone the best band in the whole entire world. I’ve been lurking on that site for over 20 years and if you’re into Bad Religion as much as I am, I’m sure you’re familiar. If you are not, go there right now and never come back to this site again. You should, and I totally understand.
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