Bobby, in a Chicago show back in 1996, excitedly announced that the band would break up after being together for 20 years. But wait, there’s more! On another occasion, he mentioned that after the release of their 1997 live album, they would put out three more albums and then call it quits. However, it seems like Bobby is the only one in the band who feels this way.
When Brian heard about Bobby’s comments, he couldn’t help but laugh. He exclaimed, “I’ve never heard that one! Bobby’s the drummer, remember? We’ll stop doing this when we feel like we’re not producing quality music anymore. Right now, I have absolutely no intention of stopping something that still gives me an incredibly good feeling.”
During a Philadelphia concert, Greg chimed in, playfully saying, “This is about half over… not the show, but our career! We’ve already been around for 16 years, and we plan on sticking around for another 16!!!” Greg made it clear that he has no interest in experimenting with new musical styles.
In 1997, Brian shared their plans for the future. He enthusiastically stated, “We’re definitely going to take some time to relax and focus on writing some very special music for our next record. We don’t want to rush into it. We’ve agreed to record this album ourselves, without a producer. Maybe we’ll even do it at Greg’s house and take our sweet time. We’re tired of following schedules and marketing plans. We’re just not interested in that anymore.”
Brian also revealed their attempts to make a home video similar to Big Bang. However, every time they start, it turns into a production with a bunch of people following them around. They never had the chance to do it their own way, the way they want it to be. Brian hopes that in the future, they’ll have the opportunity to make the video they envision. He emphasized, “Every time, it always turns into trying to make a movie, and I’m not about making a movie, I’m here to play music!”
This content was originally written by the badass contributors of, the best superfan resource and website that exists for any band, let alone the best band in the whole entire world. I’ve been lurking on that site for over 20 years and if you’re into Bad Religion as much as I am, I’m sure you’re familiar. If you are not, go there right now and never come back to this site again. You should, and I totally understand.
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