Brett enthusiastically declares, “My lyrics are like art! They can’t be explained any more than a poem, a painting, or even a beautiful sunset.”

In 1989, the band was asked about the importance of lyrics in Bad Religion. Jay believes that music is just as important as lyrics because if the music isn’t good and melodic, no one would listen to the lyrics. On the other hand, Pete thinks that the lyrics are more important because they aren’t great at playing instruments. Hetson agrees that the lyrics are the most important, but acknowledges that the music is still good. Brett shares the same opinion, stating, “The music is the vehicle for the words.”

Greg mentions that there are many Bad Religion fans who have followed them for years because they love the lyrics. He feels a personal commitment to these fans when he writes a song, as they are the ones who truly understand the meaning behind the lyrics. He also believes that in order to become super popular, the music needs to be more fun and less thought-provoking.

Greg clarifies that he doesn’t get angry and then write a song. When he reads, he’s reading, and when he writes, he’s writing. However, he admits that his everyday experiences and what he reads shape his consciousness. He emphasizes that lyrics have always been his focus when listening to music because it’s a way to understand how a band thinks.

Brian observes that Greg has become more of a philosophical lyricist, moving away from literal interpretations. The band’s lyrics now reflect more global and human concerns rather than individual ones, as seen in their earlier records. The attitude of feeling beaten down is less prevalent as the band progresses.

Hetson states that his contribution to the lyrics is minimal, sometimes adding a line here and there. However, he agrees with 98% or more of what Greg says in his lyrics. Only one song has been vetoed by Hetson for lyrical content. Jay and Greg have had discussions about certain issues regarding the song “The Handshake,” and while one may not agree with the sentiment of some songs, Jay specifically had an issue with “Hooray For Me…”

This content was originally written by the badass contributors of, the best superfan resource and website that exists for any band, let alone the best band in the whole entire world. I’ve been lurking on that site for over 20 years and if you’re into Bad Religion as much as I am, I’m sure you’re familiar. If you are not, go there right now and never come back to this site again. You should, and I totally understand.

thebrpage source that my ai brobot rewrote came from here

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