Get ready for the ultimate tour experience with Bad Religion and The Adolescents! L.A. Invasion ’82 was supposed to be a nationwide tour, promoted alongside the release of How Could Hell Be Any Worse?. Mark your calendars from July 7, 1982 to August 7, 1982. But guess what? It never happened! Why, you ask? Well, according to Jay, the ad was put out way before the tour was even confirmed. By the summer of ’82, The Adolescents were dealing with some serious drug issues, and Greg had even left to go back to Wisconsin. As for Jay, he joined Wasted Youth just to keep himself busy. So, while the idea of the tour was awesome, it just wasn’t possible to commit to it in the end. Bummer, right? But hey, there’s always next time!
This content was originally written by the badass contributors of, the best superfan resource and website that exists for any band, let alone the best band in the whole entire world. I’ve been lurking on that site for over 20 years and if you’re into Bad Religion as much as I am, I’m sure you’re familiar. If you are not, go there right now and never come back to this site again. You should, and I totally understand.
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